Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spider Inspiration

On my hike last night on the QSBG compound, I noticed an unusual creature which stroked me as art. Balanced patterns, color combinations, elegant design, it was all there in this little living form. I did a little research and found out they are not bugs. Spiders lineage are different then insects. Spiders have eight legs not six and their bodies are divided into two parts rather than three. Scientists have identified over 43,000 species around the world. More than 230 species have been recorded here in Thailand with many new discoveries being added. Together with their relatives also with eight legs, the scorpions, harestmen, mites and ticks, spiders form the class Arachinda. To me they are inspiration which exemplifies nature's artistic perfection. First thing I though of was a African costume mask or iron man type mask. So cool.
detail of Argiope sp.
Argiope sp. in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The not so ordinary plants

Plants that you don’t see every day have a special place at QSBG. Either for research or conservation, these plants are treasured and grown up under tender care. I am able to give you a sneak peek inside these temperature controlled houses for your viewing pleasure.
Adenia heterophylla - Passifloraceae family
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum
Impatiens parishii
Impatiens mirabilis
Impatiens mirabilis
Impatiens mirabilis
Epigeneium lyonii

QSBG Water Lilies - April 2014

This hot and dry season here at QSBG the Lotus and Water Lily House is just flourishing. You can come get your photography inspiration right here. So many colors and exquisite shapes all floating around like little jewels. I am just an amateur at photography but have a huge appreciation for nature. I have always had issues with trying to capture the essence of nature, which is in front of you, as well as it really is thru a camera no matter how fancy or painting or drawing, but here are few shots from April 2014.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Plant Identification Training at QSBG - April 2014

The Botanical Training Program is at it again, for round two of three, for this summers training of students from all over Thailand.

Orchid Alley April 2014

Well, I kinda feel like I let everybody hanging a bit with the show of unflowering orchids, so I am going to make up for it with only bloomers this round from most corners of QSBG. I've included 45 different varieties, many from the newly updated Native Orchid Nursery and some from an undisclosed rare plant hideaway house that is not on public display.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

QSBG Back-Country April 2014

Journeys around QSBG beyond the common visitors tracks lead to many wonderful discoveries. Way up in the evergreen forest of Northern Thailand many treasures await. A careful eye is all that is needed to witness some of earths rare treasures. My mission was to try to find native orchids in the tree canopy as high as I could climb. I did successfully see many orchids, although not in bloom, and was very delighted to see them in their native element, stuck on trees. Now to people around here it's not so uncommon to see this, but for this foreigner it is just incredible. Especially for the first time seeing plants and trees so happy together. Besides seeing Coelogyne and Flickingeria orchids, I saw many epiphytic ferns and a climbing piper plant in this part of the canopy. On the ground there were also many fun new surprises like loads of Curcuma aeruginosa. They poked up out of the ground like magic, with no leaves while the flower is blooming. Also to be found were Globba nuda, a beautiful yellow globba which brightened up the forest brush. I look forward to more exploration and blooms up in these mountains and will be sure to share them with you here.
Curcuma aeruginosa